The Jewish Holiday Table
The Jewish Holiday Table
The Jewish Holiday Table
The Jewish Holiday Table

The Jewish Holiday Table

Online-Artikel-Nr: 0014164411
  • TitelThe Jewish Holiday Table
  • EinbandartHardcover
  • Seiten400
  • SpracheEnglisch

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"From Rosh Hashanah and Passover to Hanukkah and weekly shabbat dinners, this joyous celebration of all the Jewish holidays offers a treasury of 130 recipes gathered from 30 influential chefs and food professionals around the globe, whose shared stories illuminate the diversity of the Jewish diaspora and its cuisine. As contributor Mitchell Davis puts it, the meal is the holiday. Whether it's the Seder plate or a cheesecake for shavout, Jewish holiday foods tell the story of what it means to be Jewish and cook Jewish food. Author Naama Shefi, founder of the Jewish Food Society, introduces readers to 30 influential Jewish chefs and culinary professionals who share their most beloved holiday recipes, with stories of their family histories. For Hanukkah, pastry chef Nir Mesika recounts how her Egyptian and Moroccon grandmothers competed in a donut duel, with one's sfenj challenging the other's zalabia. Ron Arazi, owner of New York Shuk, shares his grandfather's recipe for a fava bean and harissa soup that he serves during Sukkot under the sukkah he builds in his Brooklyn backyard. Chef Beejhy Barhany offers her recipe for dabo, an Ethiopian bread that her family enjoyed every shabbat, even while they fled their country for refugee in Sudan. The Jewish Holiday Table illuminates the common Jewish story of seeking a home-through exodus, immigration, or simply moving on-and finding it in the food traditions shared across borders and generations"--

Titel & Produktsprache

TitelThe Jewish Holiday Table
UntertitelA World of Recipes, Traditions & Stories to Celebrate All Year Long
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Titel & Produktsprache

TitelThe Jewish Holiday Table
UntertitelA World of Recipes, Traditions & Stories to Celebrate All Year Long

Autoren & Verlag

Autor/-inNaama Shefi

Auflage & Publikationsort


Buch Eigenschaften

ThemenbereichAllgemeine Kochbücher


Gewicht1.43 kg
Höhe256 mm
Breite196 mm
Dicke30 mm



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