Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact

Online-Artikel-Nr: 0014060614
  • TitelGenshin Impact
  • VerlagHarper Collins (US)
  • EinbandartSoftcover
  • Seiten176

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The first and ultimate companion guide to the fastest selling video game of all time, downloaded more than 60 million times in just two years in the United States, adventure role-playing game Genshin Impact, created by the video game inventors themselves—a beautiful collectible volume featuring hundreds of full-color illustrations that bring to life the visually stunning, anime-style world of Teyvat, including all seven nations and every major character. A free-to-play open-world adventure role playing game (RPG), Genshin Impact is beloved by 300 million across the globe for its rich worldbuilding, vibrant characters, anime-style environment, and action-based battle system that uses magic and character-switching. Now with this fabulous compendium, longtime fans and newcomers can immerse themselves in this multiplatform roleplaying game as never before. Unfolding as the journey of a mysterious “Traveler” seeking to learn the fate of a lost sibling, Genshin Impact: Official Art Book Vol. 1 takes you on a tour through all seven nations of Teyvat—each realm tied to a different element and ruled by a different god. From the stormy archipelago of Inazuma to Mondstadt, the European Gothic-inspired “City of Freedom” you’ll find unique cultures and stories, traverse diverse landscapes, and uncover mysterious secrets about Teyvat and its inhabitants. Genshin Impact: Official Art Book Vol. 1 features exclusive full-color art from the game, storylines, and profiles of the 46 currently playable characters, explaining the significance and purpose of each and every detail about them—from their elaborate, culturally inspired outfits to the diverse terrains they inhabit to the elaborate architecture of the ever-expanding roster of locations they can visit. Adding depth and context to the Genshin Impact experience, this rich, comprehensive guide—packed with promotional art, cartoons, and commemorative artwork—is essential for every Genshin player.


Gewicht1.03 kg
Höhe270 mm
Breite230 mm
Dicke22 mm
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Gewicht1.03 kg
Höhe270 mm
Breite230 mm
Dicke22 mm

Buch Eigenschaften


Titel & Produktsprache

TitelGenshin Impact
UntertitelOfficial Art Book Vol. 1: Explore the realms of Genshin Impact in this official collection of art. Packed with character designs, character trailer art, and celebratory illustrations

Autoren & Verlag

Autor/-inLtd miHoYo Co.
VerlagHarper Collins (US)



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